Welcome to Streameg

Elevate Your Stream with Unrivaled Scalability

Why limit your reach? Stream across various platforms at the same time effortlessly with infinite scalability.

Take Your Stream to the Next Level!

Simple as you like it!
A simple interface for live streaming on a streameg


Easy to Use

Streamline your start with effortless setup, sparing users the complexities of time-consuming configurations. Initiate your live broadcasts with a mere couple of clicks, either instantly or by scheduling them for future sessions.



Enjoy a tailored, customizable setup crafted to meet your specific needs. We can personalize the system to align with your branding and take care of the complete setup process, ensuring your platform is designed just the way you want it.

Customizable interface for easy live streaming with Streameg
On-premises streaming solution - Enjoy secure and customizable live streaming with streameg


On Premises Deployment

We offer on-premises deployment options to cater to your specific needs. Gain full control and security by hosting our service within your own infrastructure, ensuring a tailored and secure streaming solution.


The All in One Solution

Multi Streaming

Effortlessly extending your streaming presence to renowned platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, and more, all with the simplicity of a few clicks.

Embed Your Stream

Enhance your online reach and engage your audience by seamlessly embedding your live stream on your website or any preferred location using our versatile iframe snippet.

Highly Scalable

Capable of managing substantial traffic volumes, it ensures a seamless and lossless streaming experience, all while requiring minimal setup time.

Subtitle Generation

Enhanced accessibility and extend the reach of your content by providing automated subtitles for a more inclusive and understandable streaming experience.

Low Latency and Fast Sync

Enjoy content that's perfectly synchronized with minimal delay, creating a seamless and engaging interaction for both broadcasters and viewers.

Streameg API

Allowing seamless connections with external services and enabling developers to extend and customize the functionality, making your streaming experience even more versatile and powerful.

Streameg SDK

Empower developers to create custom applications, extensions, and plugins, enhancing the platform's capabilities and offering a more tailored streaming experience.

Streameg CDN

Your content is delivered to your audience faster and more efficiently, reducing buffering and ensuring a seamless and buffer-free streaming experience with our CDN.

Storage Scalability

Allowing you to effortlessly expand your storage capacity as your needs grow. Enjoy flexibility and reliability with storage that adapts to your requirements .

Stream to the World

Ready to transform your streaming game? Dive into the world of boundless possibilities with our service. Stream smarter, not harder, and watch your audience grow. The time is now to unleash your content's potential and experience the magic of effortless streaming!.
Discover the boundless possibilities of live streaming with Streameg - your gateway to a smarter streaming experience